
Contemporary Slovak and World Art

Zoya Gallery and Zoya Museum has in recent years expanded its collection by works of contemporary Slovak and foreign authors, and its collection includes art works such as paintings, sculptures and drawings.

The collection of contemporary art includes works by painters and sculptors from the second half of the 20th century to the present and has been formed since the founding of the Zoya Gallery in Bratislava (2004).

The collection contains works of authors as Milan Laluha, Julius Koller, Milan Pashek, Rudolf Sikora, Vladimir Kompanek, Andrej Rudavsky, Jozef Jankovich, Dezider Toth, Oto Bachorik, Palo Macho, Eva Fišerová, and Tony Cragg, Ryan Mendoza, Václav Fiala and others.

Erik Binder
Erik Binder
Marko Blažo
Marko Blažo
Marko Blažo
Marko Blažo
Michal Gabriel
Michal Gabriel
Martin Gerboc
Martin Gerboc
Erik Binder
Marko Blažo
Marko Blažo
Michal Gabriel
Martin Gerboc